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CBYX Participant Wins Video Competition

Phong H. of San Jose, California, a CBYX participant, won an ASSE video contest with his entry about his exchange year in Germany. ASSE is one of five CBYX implementing organizations in the United States.

Recounting his experience in Germany, Phong says “In 2011, I went to Germany with my family, and found the land absolutely beautiful. Promising myself to come back to learn more about Germany, I discovered the CBYX scholarship, which has given me an opportunity to learn the language, culture, and people by living an everyday German’s lifestyle. Half a year later in Germany, I have found myself the most supportive friends and an amazing host family. Having to overcome obstacles during my journey, I have learned about myself and became more independent. Most importantly, I have become more courageous, whether it’s standing up for my beliefs or living life to the fullest through its opportunities. After four months of immersion in the culture, I have found myself to be as much of a German as an exchange student, becoming a more multicultural individual in the constantly growing world of ours.”

Take a look at his exchange experience through his eyes by viewing the video to the right.